Thursday, November 5, 2009

What Media Means to Me

Media to me means any type of technology that enhances our world, culturally, physically and mentally through a creative and/or scientific way.The experience that I have would be digital photography. I am forever snapping pictures anywhere and everywhere I go for memory sake. I love my digital camera it is so easy to use and everything on there is so convenient rather it be red eye removal, adjusting, it doesn’t matter. I can easily transfer my photographs to the computer and use them however I want. Lately the use of the camera has turned me on to using it professionally as well. I took photography once in high school and I have to say that you have to be a patient person to deal with use of dark rooms and developing your photograph manually, which I was not. I kind of wish I would have stuck with it and kept my camera because I think if I had been more patient, I would have appreciated old media a whole lot more as I do the new. Right now I am in CSCI-N241 Fundamentals of Web Development which we focus on HTML files. HTML stands for Hypertext Make up language but basically tells the browser how to display the page. So anyone who has a MySpace and is confused about what those little codes are to make your background; that is HTML files. Anyways I’m not a big expert on HTML yet, I haven't even gotten to the designing of pages because I am still on structure. However, it is something I would like to pursue because the overall look of web page is what determines if a person would actually take the time to look at the page, so that is one of my influences. Also no matter what, every business or company needs web pages on the internet. In the end hopefully I will be able to enhance my creative side in the field of web design.

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