Thursday, December 17, 2009

Cute Creatures that have a Mind of their own

Gizmo from "Gremlins"

Teddy from A.I Artificial Intelligence

Stitch from "Lilo and Stitch"
I remember when I first seen the movie Gremlins, I remember the cute little furry alien Gizmo and how much I wanted him. He was so cute and fluffy looking. Although I was too young to remember, from what I heard everyone wanted a Gizmo, minus the little Gremlin creatures. Although there have toys that are replicas or other little furry toys that are similar, it is still not the same. Robotic toys or stuff animals are only capable of saying and doing a limited amount of things. They are only able of doing as much as they are programmed to do. This can get pretty boring after a couple of months. It still is nothing like the real thing, which is something that can think for itself and has feelings. It’s kind of like having a pet but one that can actually talk to you and looks sweet, innocent, and cute. If something like this was really invented whether it be a robot or some sort of creature, it would be neat, but at the same time scary as well. Something that was not created naturally but has emotions and can think for itself is a scary idea. Although it may be interesting, who knows what could come from this type of creation. The thought of having a little Mugwai or cute furry creatures that you can interact with about anything and everything seems fun. However, it may not always be, just like interacting with a human may not always be fun.

Selling your Soul in the Business of Entertainment

When I was browsing the internet for an artist, looking through pictures I came across a picture of that artist dead body autopsy. It was very horrific because that was something I was not planning on seeing so it was quite disturbing. It just was not like that for this particular celebrity; it was like that for many others as well who had past. Clearly these photographs were leaked from someone who had access to their bodies. The thought of taking a picture or stealing a photo of someone just so it could be leaked onto the internet is very disturbing to me. I know that it is all because of the money factor, people are given a lot of money for doing corrupt things like that. I know I could never do anything like that because I would never be able to forgive myself. Stealing pictures of a dead body just for money a person would have to remember that that was someone’s child/mother/father/brother/sister. In the entertainment business you have to learn not to sale yourself just for the purpose of getting money in your pocket. Having values and morals are always important to remember and carry within a workplace because it is easy to forget. I think that being true to yourself and not changing morals or values just for money purposes is a really important belief to have because there will always be temptations of scheming and corruptions.

Sony Apple Remote

Sony has yet to release their Apple Remotes. It is a remote control for the television but it detects motion. With just a swipe of the wrist you could change your channels, turn up and down the volume, as well as other things. The cool thing about this remote is that it actually resembles an apple. There are about four apples and it sits on top of this white plate which has a very clean look. The whole display is nice enough to sit as a display on a table. I think that this product will be successful based on its overall look. The color is a striking green and it has a nice sleek and modern look to it. It looks like a sophisticated version of toy is the best way I could describe it. It is something that would look appealing to a child as well as an adult. I would even buy one for myself because it looks pretty neat. Sony did a very good job in thinking of an overall look of this product because it would appeal to everyone. It is has a very modern and expensive look the way technology is suppose to have. It also has a bright and interesting look to it, and that is what a toy is supposed to have.

Mp3 Player and Cosmetic Device

Barbie is surely thinking ahead of other companies with their digital Mp3 that turns into a cosmetic device as well. It holds a 3GB memory and allows you to store photos. The Mp3 player opens up as a compact with a mirror at the top and it also is a necklace to attach to anything. Many companies have combined phone with an Mp3 player, but I have not really hear d of anything other than that. This digital device is very interesting because the idea of combining things together that are not similar is very cool. It is difficult to come up with an invention and have it actually be successful. For instance, using sunglasses and a digital camera all in one can be used as an idea. The idea sounds pretty cool but how exactly will this device look and feel. Will it have the sleek and stylish look that sunglasses are suppose to have? What about the overall feel of the sunglasses device? Will it be heavy or light weight? When creating something that someone is suppose to wear, all features have to come into play when designing something.

Barbie Digital Nail Salon

I had seen on the internet that Barbie has her own nail salon for girls. It is called Barbie Digital Nail Printer and it allows girls to get a manicure at home instead of going to a salon. It works by connecting to your computer, and users can choose over 1000 different designs and once selected, you stick your nails under the printer, and it prints directly over your nail bed. I think that this is a very successful idea because children, especially little girls want to do the same exact things that grownups want. As a little girl I remember I always wanted my nails painted with different colors but I was never allowed to go to the nail salon. However, this product is meant simply for young girls that are appropriate and stylish. Going to the nail salon it could cost about $15 just to get your nails painted. That is a lot of money for something that does not last. A “do it yourself” nail salon is a very creative invention for children; however it would be an even more successful one for adults. So many women line up in nail salon shops just to get a design, shape up, or fill-in. Sometimes people do not feel like waiting inside of a nail salon or get sick of all those different smells. Creating a “do it yourself” for adults that is similar to the Barbie Digital Nail Printer would be a very good idea.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Future Outlook of Availability of Movies

In the near future I heard that movies will no longer just be released in movie theaters but in our own homes as well. People will no longer have to travel to a movie theater to see a movie but watch it in the own comfort of their homes for the same price. Although it is more convenient, I do not really like this idea. I think that this takes away the essence and tradition that has been around for decades of going to theaters to see a movie. Going to the movie theaters has been known as an activity for families, friends, or couples, to come together and enjoy a day of entertainment from a new movie. It gets people out the house and brings the public together to enjoy a good movie. Being in a movie theater immerses viewers into what is playing with the surround sound and huge screen in front. Although the style of movie theaters has changed, it is still the same traditional settings. People come in pay for a ticket of their choice, purchase snacks from the concession stands, take a seat in the comfortable chairs, and stare ahead awaiting the picture on the vast screen. Movie theaters have always been a big part of the entertainment culture and it offers something that watching a movie at home does not.

Consequences of Technological Inventions

There are so many movies out that are based on the creation of technologies and the destruction it causes the world such as Eagle Eye and I Robot, but the biggest one till this day is Terminator. These films and others that are similar to this plot represent the discoveries and inventions of technology that all lead to the destruction of the world. Once, humans start tampering with technology and they create something that they could never keep contained and the technologies being created start to take over. With exciting action packed, suspenseful plots that these movies have, we can’t help but wonder if these fiction based plots could actually become a reality. Many things that are shown through movies with the creation of robots as machines to do the job that humans were once used for are actually being done today. The only thing we have not seen is the destruction that machines can cause on this Earth. However, that does not mean it could never happen. I am not saying that a scenario like Terminator could actually happen, however if we tamper with things that we really do not know much about, we may not truly consider the effects it may cause. I think that the government and scientist should watch the things they do because inventions such as time travel and robots that think and work like humans, may have consequences that we just may not be able to handle.

The Eiteljorg Museum

Last year I went to visit the Eiteljorg Museum downtown which contains American Indian and Western Art. I thought that the museum was very educational and interesting. It had a lot of cultural elements such as biographies, stories, facts, photographs, pottery, clothes, jewelry, and tools that was a part of the Native American heritage. I did a little research on the Eiteljorg Museum and I noticed that the museum opened in 1989. It was interesting to me that when I was a child; the schools I attended had never taken a field trip there. I thought that this museum would make a perfect trip for students from grades 7 and up. Visiting the museum really gave me a true insight into the Native American culture verses just reading about it in a history book. I think that this museum would appeal to students because you get a better understanding of Native American culture as a whole and the items in the museum are very interesting. Native Americans were very insightful and creative and you see that within the museum. I think that schools should take field trips to the Eiteljorg Museum because it gives you the experience of another culture. As diverse as the United States is now, we have to be diverse in the knowledge of our culture as well as others. A textbook does no justice as oppose to actually going to see artifacts and the real images of another culture.


Effects of Subliminal Messages

I was reading an article about subliminal messages in Disney movies and it was quite funny. The definition of subliminal messages is, visual or audible messages shown in a way that prevents the conscious mind from recognizing them. These messages can be hidden through a film, on CD’s, or tapes. Subliminal messages have even been in some of the classic films such as, The Rescuers, The Little Mermaid, and The Lion King. The Subliminal messages hidden into the film are actually sexual messages which are either words, pictures, or a something said into the film. For example in Aladdin, it is said that one of the characters whispers, “Good teenagers take their clothes off.” On the cover of The Little Mermaid, there is a shaft of a penis that is part of the castle. In a scene in the movie The Rescuers, there is a naked woman in the background. In a scene in The Lion King, the word sex appears in the sky. Sexual subliminal messages are said to rise up ratings in viewing and ever since Disney has been running, the movies have always been successful. The directors, writers, and employees, responsible for the obscene messages were fired. This goes to show that when you are in the workforce and u try to be successful by scheming customers, it will probably come back to bite you. I am pretty sure the whole Disney Company was responsible for these doings but to save themselves, they just fired people that created the messages. Taking risk to gain company popularity and money may not have sacrificed Disney itself, but it sacrificed many jobs of employees.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Talent People Show in Design

While browsing on Facebook I was shocked to see how many people have a talent in web design, graphic design, Photoshop, photography, and many other design interfaces. Some individuals had either taken courses in these design programs, learned them through tutorials, or they taught themselves how to do it. The amazing thing is that most of these people do them just for fun and as a hobby. This just shows how much creativity certain people have that they may not realize they could easily get a job with. If I were a manager of a company I would probably surf the internet for skills of these certain types of individual and see if they are qualified. Today in society people use the internet now to express themselves and show off their skills. A person can make a design portfolio just by adding work that they have done on their own time. Being able to teach and direct your own work and have it be successful is what true talent is. Many students cannot even perform or create something without having guidelines or instructions for every little thing from someone else. Being able to create something free form or taking direction after a project has been given takes a lot of work. If it is done successfully then that is a great accomplishment and it shows true talent.

Taking Advantage of Online Tutorials

There are so many tutorials for many graphic design programs that teach people how to use the software. I was looking on YouTube and there are many videos available that are easy to follow and quite educating. About any program you can think of was available online, such as Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash, and Fireworks. For each video there were countless numbers that were available online that teach about anything you would like to know. The videos show you step by step instructions on how to create, fix, or enhance something through these programs. I think that having these programs available for free online, it should be taken advantage of. In class we learn a certain extent of information on these types of programs; but it is up to us to go above and beyond what we have learned. If we are really passionate about learning the crafts of design then we have to take time outside of class to learn much more. In class instructors will only supply us with the beginning tools. With the availability of tutorial videos online, there is no excuse as to why we should not self-educate to enhance our own design skills.

Monday, December 14, 2009

A Graphic Design

This design is a really cool design to me because of the overall look of it. The creator used it as a design for a header in a website. This design was done in a program called Cinema 4D and Photoshop. This design caught my eye because I am a big fan of Photoshop. I just began working with Photoshop this semester and I must say that I am a true amateur of the program. Cinema 4D, I haven’t even used before. Designs like this just remind of the neat and creative things you can do with programs like these. Although I really do not know what this design is suppose to be of besides the different continents, it is still very pleasing to the eye. Being able to create something that may not have a clear meaning but is pleasing to the eye is a successful design to me because people are going to notice it anyways. That is the beauty about designs as opposed to other forms of information such as writing. A design can be about anything and look like anything and does not have to make sense at all. Contrary to what designers may want you to think of their design, designs are meant to be interpreted however the viewer wants. Some designs are just interpreted as a form of beauty and this design is an example.
Image Source:

Good/Bad Web Design

This is a screen shot of a website design made for a coffee retailer. This image was made in Photoshop, Flash, Cinema 4D, and Fireworks. I think that this web design has a very good layout because all of the visual elements are present. There is visual hierarchy with the different fonts used and colors to distinguish the headings. The color usage of the browns, olds, and reds go with the theme of coffee so that it is not confusing. The navigation and links to the other web pages are clear and set off to the side. The page is very clean and sleek looking. It kind of has a soft, subtle, and cozy feel to the site. This also adds to one of the feelings coffee can give someone. The coffee product is called Crown Coffee and it is included into the photo. The total look of the web design sets off the name of Crown Coffee because everything looks elegant and has a royal look to it. The only thing I would change in this design is the long paragraphs that are on the page. I’m not too sure if this is the home page or maybe the about. Regardless, this is way too much information to be piled onto one page. I think that the information about the product could be written in fewer words just touching on the main points being made. Even though all of the information on the right side of the page, I do feel that it is balanced out because there are graphic designs to the left. I would still change the amount of information to keep the viewer’s interest and only share the main points so it won’t look like they are reading a paper.

Image Source:

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Princess and the Frog Controversy

Disney films released the new movie, The Princess and the Frog this past weekend and there was a lot of controversy. This was the first time Disney has ever made a movie about a black princess so of course there was going to be positive and negative takes on the movie. Some people think that the movie was stereotypical. For example the movie took place in New Orleans, Louisiana. It had voodoo magic incorporated into the film as well as a sidekick alligator. Basically viewers thought there elements of racism and stereotyping in the film. I watched the movie this weekend and I thought that it was beautifully made. The storyline, characters, settings, and layout worked wonderful together. The film was fun from start to finish and each character served a purpose and was very entertaining. It was a really heartfelt and encouraging film. Yes there was voodoo and a sidekick alligator; however it all fit within the storyline. The Princess and the Frog so called stereotyping is no different than any other Disney movie. In Aladdin, the sidekick was a genie. In Mulan the sidekick was a dragon. There is also magic and wizards in many Disney movies, such as the Little Mermaid and Hercules. Although it took many years for Disney to come out with a film based on African Americans I think that they did a good job on the execution of the overall film. I think that there should be more diverse films made by Disney. This is a diverse country and world we live in, and every face needs to be noteworthy. I noticed many things about the film that has not been any other Disney film before. The film was very diverse and each character added something special to the film and that is what the United States is supposed to be as a whole.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Simple Yet Creative Technology Ad

This is an ad for the Apple IPod Touch and this is an example of a successful design that does not really need that many words or commentary to explain what it is about. The ad shows a photograph of three girls and in the middle is a fingerprint. The message of this ad is quite clear. It’s a digital device that allows you to interact with it with just a touch. Images and ads like this are very interesting to me because using little to no words and still getting the message across is more creative than a bunch of words explaining something. With the finger print, it lets the user know that they can interact with the device. Our human nature is to use our sense of touch to identify or distinguish something. They have illustrated just that in the ad to attract people to buy this IPod. In our metaphoric assignment I had a hard time on m slides of getting the message across without telling what each image was actually representing. Sometimes when I think of complex ideas and I execute them my design can be unclear. This example of the Apple IPod Touch is very simplistic but still eye catching. This shows that simple is not always a bad thing. The creators executed this design ad so that it is discrete and subtle. This ad is quite clever because of its simplicity and creativity.

Image Source:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

RCA Headphones Ad

This is an ad for RCA and it is pretty cool ad for an mp3 player. It is a picture of an enlarged ear and inside the tip of the ear is an orchestra playing. The message that is being conveyed is that the mp3 player sound quality is so good that it makes the music so clear as if it is being played live right in your ear. Even though the actual RCA mp3 player is very small and placed at the bottom the message is very clear. Once you see the orchestra in the persons ears the first thing you think of are headphones. Then because the ear and the orchestra are both a manila color, you eyes are led to the bright red RCA symbol and the mp3 player with the headphones to the right. I really like this ad because it has a sort of softness feeling to it and orchestra music has a soft light tone to it. The illustration of the orchestra inside the ear, explain what is being represented. Unlike other ads which show a large picture of the mp3 player or IPod itself, the RCA mp3 player is pictured very small. However, at the same time it could be a disadvantage for this ad competing with Apple IPod commercials and ads, they are straight forward and in your face when promoting their product. They are also usually bright in color and flashy; however this ad is more discrete and soft. It may not catch everyone’s attention especially with the type of music being played. I think that this ad would attract an older audience. Maybe if they had a rock band or something more exciting and better usage of color, it would be geared more towards a younger crowd. Also younger crowds like to see products up close so that they know exactly the screen size and applications available. The target audience for this ad is older adults or senior citizens.

Sony Ad

This is an ad for Sony Labtops and it is very interesting. It has a very strange, sleek, and futuristic look to it. The first thing you look at is the shirtless man with the purple pants and heels because the purple is so bright, shiny, and striking. He is also wearing heels, which is very strange. The pants are also strange because men usually do not wear sparkly, purple leather pants. The man leads our eyes with a kiss he is about to give to a woman sitting down on a chair. Then we are lead to her elongated leg to her bright red and black pump. From the pump we are then finally led to the Sony Laptop that is being balanced on her heel. This is a successful design because everything is balanced and our eyes are led up to the item that is being advertised. The splash of color on the left is balanced with the splash of color on the right. The man is balanced with the woman’s leg. Everything is organized showing visual hierarchy. Our eyes go straight to the target area. Another interesting element is that every shape is organic except for the Sony Laptop which is geometrical so it makes it stand out even more.


Funny Television Ads

I found these pictures on the internet; they are either ads from CNN and they are pretty funny. They are pictures of home owners being distracted of what’s going on outside of the television. In the ads everyone’s eyes are glued to the television as if they are being hypnotized by what they see. In the first picture a man has been standing outside looking at a TV in the display glass for so long that he has frozen. The next picture is of a man whose eyes are so glued to the TV that his dog has chewed up his whole couch. The third picture is of couple lying in the bed watching TV. The couple is so in to the TV that they don’t even notice that a man is breaking into their house and even he ends up forgetting what he is doing and starts watching it too. The fourth picture is of a lifeguard who fails to realize that a man is drowning because he is into the television. I think that these are good design ads because in reality people get so in to what they watch on television, that they sometimes don’t pay attention to what is going on outside of it. This reminds me of how people especially men are during the super bowl because they are so into the TV they block out everything else. These ads also gives off the message of what people insinuate with people and television which is it makes them less intelligent, immovable, zombie-like creatures. Sometimes mediated objects can have that effect on viewers and this ad illustrates it well.

IPOD Nano Chromatic


Commercials are a way of getting product information out to the public so that it is appealing to buy. For this to work the commercial has to be interesting enough for the public to sit and watch. The only time people actually look forward to watching commercials is during the super bowl so, any other day, companies have to catch the attention of the public right from the beginning of the commercial. The Apple IPOD Nano Chromatic is an example of a successful commercial. When it first comes on it shows a white background and second’s letter, sleek bright and colorful IPOD Nanos come flying out slowly. On the screens on each Nano it shows you what all you can do without words describing it to the audience. Then all of the Nanos lines up, the color from each one melt down to look like paint dripping down. I think that this was a successful commercial because it was eye-catching from start to finish. The sleekness and brightness of the background and colors used are hypnotic. It has elements in the commercial that appeal to both children and adults. It is sleek and colorful and everyone notices bright objects. The only words used in the commercial are through a song playing and it enhances the product promotion. The creators used creativity, analogue art, and digital art all together and overall made a successful commercial.

Digital Photo Frames

I think that digital photo frames are very clever inventions. Digital photo frames are created using LCD screens and it displays a slideshow of pictures to share without having to use the internet. However, you can still use the internet to download more pictures you want displayed in the digital photo frame. In many homes there are various displays of family pictures scattered all around the house. On each wall there are probably cluttered with about 10-30 frames because people like to display memories to share or just for themselves. However, if you buy a digital photo frame you could display as many photos as you would like depending on the type of memory card available. Instead of 10 photo frames scattered everywhere on one wall, you could have one or two nice size digital frames displaying twice as many pictures. Polaroid and Kodak or some of the companies that make digital photo frames. I think that this is a fast and efficient way to display photos verses cutting and fitting a photo manually into a frame. All it takes is a download of photographs onto a memory card and placed into the frame, it displays all photos. There are also digital photo frames that play music as well with the pictures. I think that is idea can really enhance the photos because adding music could actually tell a story about the photos. A mother may choose a song that is their child’s favorite to display with their photographs. A married couple may display wedding photos with songs that were played during their wedding. Digital photo frames are forms of art that regular people can customize however they would like to tell their own story.