Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Effects of Subliminal Messages

I was reading an article about subliminal messages in Disney movies and it was quite funny. The definition of subliminal messages is, visual or audible messages shown in a way that prevents the conscious mind from recognizing them. These messages can be hidden through a film, on CD’s, or tapes. Subliminal messages have even been in some of the classic films such as, The Rescuers, The Little Mermaid, and The Lion King. The Subliminal messages hidden into the film are actually sexual messages which are either words, pictures, or a something said into the film. For example in Aladdin, it is said that one of the characters whispers, “Good teenagers take their clothes off.” On the cover of The Little Mermaid, there is a shaft of a penis that is part of the castle. In a scene in the movie The Rescuers, there is a naked woman in the background. In a scene in The Lion King, the word sex appears in the sky. Sexual subliminal messages are said to rise up ratings in viewing and ever since Disney has been running, the movies have always been successful. The directors, writers, and employees, responsible for the obscene messages were fired. This goes to show that when you are in the workforce and u try to be successful by scheming customers, it will probably come back to bite you. I am pretty sure the whole Disney Company was responsible for these doings but to save themselves, they just fired people that created the messages. Taking risk to gain company popularity and money may not have sacrificed Disney itself, but it sacrificed many jobs of employees.

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