Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Talent People Show in Design

While browsing on Facebook I was shocked to see how many people have a talent in web design, graphic design, Photoshop, photography, and many other design interfaces. Some individuals had either taken courses in these design programs, learned them through tutorials, or they taught themselves how to do it. The amazing thing is that most of these people do them just for fun and as a hobby. This just shows how much creativity certain people have that they may not realize they could easily get a job with. If I were a manager of a company I would probably surf the internet for skills of these certain types of individual and see if they are qualified. Today in society people use the internet now to express themselves and show off their skills. A person can make a design portfolio just by adding work that they have done on their own time. Being able to teach and direct your own work and have it be successful is what true talent is. Many students cannot even perform or create something without having guidelines or instructions for every little thing from someone else. Being able to create something free form or taking direction after a project has been given takes a lot of work. If it is done successfully then that is a great accomplishment and it shows true talent.

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