Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Digital Candy-an all American Favorite
    While looking on this website I found a picture of a digitized piece of candy. The candy they used was the all American favorite that you mostly see during the holiday season, none other than a peppermint. Anyone who sees this picture will more than likely know what it is because it a favorite and very familiar. But why is the peppermint so popular and continue to stay around for generations and generations to come? Who would have thought that a peppermint flavored candy would outshine candies that are just pure sweet. Maybe it is the design of the peppermint candy that is still intriguing. It’s hard, shiny, and full of white and red swirls. Swirls are seems to be hypnotizing to the eyes and mind. Maybe that is what makes this candy so intoxicating to the eye that it continues to be a tradition to using them as decoration on Christmas trees. If peppermint candies were just plain white, would they still continue to be as popular as they are today? Even though I am not a big fan of peppermints this goes to show that popularity of a candy is not only based on taste but the design elements as well.

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