Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Inspiration or Plagiarism?

All the images above are copies of posters and album covers. Do you notice any similarities in the images to the left compared to the image next to it? In an article by Jacob Coss he writes about where to draw the line between inspiration and plagiarism. There is a big difference between inspiration and plagiarism. When you take your ideas and make it your own so it makes a whole new meaning than that is inspiration. Plagiarism is taking the same exact idea from someone and using that idea for you without giving that person credit. This is why it is important to acknowledge a person’s idea, design, or work if you are using it as your own. In the images above only a few would be considered inspiration but for the ones where it looks like an exact replica, I hope they have acknowledged where they got the idea from. These images go to show that originality is very hard to come by these days. Everybody gets their ideas off of somebody else’s work rather it be plagiarized, cited, or just inspired.
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