Tuesday, November 10, 2009

2012: Prophecy Exploitation

On November 13, 2009 nationwide, the premiere of 2012 will be making its way into theaters. This movie may be one of the most terrifying movies ever created only because it is predicted to be based on a factual event. For centuries predictions have risen revealing that the world of days as we know will finally be at its end. From oracles, the Bible, ancient calendars to the internet, they have all came to the same conclusion that the world will end. The Ancient Mayan calendar has accurately predicted 1000’s of years of events but suddenly ends on December 21, 2012. The Bible describes the series of events leading up to the apocalypse in the book of Revelations. The descriptions are similar to events that have effected out world in this new decade. In Ancient Rome many oracles such as Merlin (better known in famous fairy tales as Merlin the Wizard) has prophesized the day as well. Merlin was actually a human who was known to be half demon and he predicted descriptions similar to cell phones, tanks, nuclear wars, great floods, diseases, and death as signs to the end of the world. Ancient China has also recorded events that were transferred to a graph which surprisingly ends in the year of 2012. Something that has also made predictions is shockingly the World Wide Web. The Web-Bot Project was a program developed to use independent programs on the internet to predict future financial stock news. However, in the year of June 2001 it predicted something more than what it was meant to. It predicted that an event would change how we lived in the United States in 60-90 days. This is said to have been a prediction of the September 11th terrorist attacks. In 2012, the Web-Bot predicts of a destructive disaster in the line-up of our planet similarly to the Mayan Calendar prediction. Today we are in the year of 2009, going into 2010. We are stepping closer and closer to what these prophecies have communicated to us and because of that, the media is starting to pump up and exploit it. Releasing the movie 2012, two years before that date is not coincidental at all. Making a movie of factual predicted events so close to that time is pure genius because it is giving it alot of media exploitation. Showing the world the process of the Earth’s destruction is going to display a mixed feeling of emotions. It’s going to be exciting, scary, terrifying, interesting, and it also is going to make you think. Three years ago, people were not worried about the year of 2012, but since the movie and the media exploitations of that year, I think they will start to. It kind of reminds of Y2K. So many people were celebrating a new year into the millennium, however many were scared. The government was scared that computers were going to crash, people were stalking up food items in their house, and debates were going back and forth. When the millennium finally came, it was no different than any other New Years. In the end, the question is whether the year of 2012 being hyped up by the media to catch viewers or is there going to be truth to prophecies? That is for you to decide.

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