Saturday, November 21, 2009

Creativity and Play

Video Link:

In my N100 class I remember watching a video called “The Powerful Link between Creativity and Play” with Tim Brown. This video inspired me because it focused on the aspect of how we work, not actually what we work on. He did various activities with the audience which got them involved and also made them have a new outlook on how they think. The first activity showed how we are scared of what our peers may think of the type of work we do. I feel that this will be a major issue in the workplace. In a new media career, more than likely we will be presenting ideas to one or more people and if we let the fear of rejection get in our way, it could affect our creative thinking skills in a negative way. In the video, Tim Brown also did another activity that showed the importance of a playful, relaxed environment. This is essential in a work environment especially mine, because it helps everyone become more comfortable around each other and I also believe it will ease the fear of rejection. One of the last activities he did was taking one idea and making many other ideas from that one. This was a lesson of exploration and experimentation. He compared adult thinking to a child’s thought process on exploration and experimentation. As an adult in many careers we do have to have the same imagination and experimentation as a child in a way to help us think outside the box. We as adults limit ourselves to exploring new ideas which in the end can lead us nowhere. Tim Brown says that if we use the same type process of thinking as a child into our careers then we can reach new heights. These ideas have not only given me a new outlook on my career goals but also on my school work as well. Through exploration, building, and role play, I think that these are great methods for new ideas and better inventions for any new media career.

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