Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sony Ad

This is an ad for Sony Labtops and it is very interesting. It has a very strange, sleek, and futuristic look to it. The first thing you look at is the shirtless man with the purple pants and heels because the purple is so bright, shiny, and striking. He is also wearing heels, which is very strange. The pants are also strange because men usually do not wear sparkly, purple leather pants. The man leads our eyes with a kiss he is about to give to a woman sitting down on a chair. Then we are lead to her elongated leg to her bright red and black pump. From the pump we are then finally led to the Sony Laptop that is being balanced on her heel. This is a successful design because everything is balanced and our eyes are led up to the item that is being advertised. The splash of color on the left is balanced with the splash of color on the right. The man is balanced with the woman’s leg. Everything is organized showing visual hierarchy. Our eyes go straight to the target area. Another interesting element is that every shape is organic except for the Sony Laptop which is geometrical so it makes it stand out even more.


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